This is a Nursery Plant Management online application where you can buy plants and seeds which was a collaborative project created with 4 other team members in 4 days using Spring boot, MySql and Rest Api.
This is Collaborated project which is a fashion designing website where you can shop any branded fashionable clother, bags and all wearables which we have created with the team of 6 members and techstack used is mentioned below.
This is Collaborated project which I have created with with the help of 5 other team members using fetch api calls. This is news related website where you can read news about all over the world
This is My Portfolio Website with I have created from the scratch with the below mentioned technology. If you want to know more about me then you can visit this website by clicking the link below
This is Youtube clone which is daily assignment project which I have made using fetch api calls and time taken to completed this problem is in a day and technology used for this is mentioned below